At Swiss Authentis, we believe in synergies and we are convinced that Consumer’s Health, Government Revenue and Trade Facilitation can all be protected and boosted by smart deployment of advanced Track & Trace solutions.

Our AuthentiTrace® program has been designed to efficiently fight illicit trade and serve the interest of all legitimate stakeholders.

Swiss Authentis delivers secured digital marks, easily authenticable and empowers the Authorities to monitor the supply chain of sensitive products, such as tobacco, alcohols and pharmaceuticals.

AuthentiTrace® smoothly integrates global architecture design,
3 main technologies, selected devices,
key know-how and field experience:

Code Issuing Kit

Securely generates the millions of unique identifiers necessary to individually identify the products.

Regulatory Repository

Central database storing all the codes and recording events and movements of each item on the supply chain.

Authenticity Mark

Authenticates the item and proves that the products is compliant with the obligations toward the Authorities.

The solution also includes various components and tailored add-ons, such as Registration and Supply Portal, Anti-Tamper Devices, Control devices, Control App, and enforcement assistance processes.


This solution can be deployed whenever illicit trade becomes a challenge or a threat to public finance, people’s health, or security. It is particularly efficient when applied to the following industries:

  • Tobacco & Cigarettes,
  • Alcohols and spirits,
  • Beer,
  • Soft drink,
  • Mineral water.